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Welcome to Kicks for Cambodia

Building a Brighter Future for All

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About Our Foundation

Kicks for Cambodia was started after my family and I went to Cambodia. That vacation was one that I will never forget. It is also a vacation that changed my life in many ways. On the second day of the trip our tour guide took us to the Cambodian countryside. I was very excited for this because I was excited to see how the Cambodian people lived. As we were arriving into the countryside our tour guide gave us these dried pea snacks. I asked what they were for and he told me that we were going to hand them out to the kids. I thought that we were just giving these kids a little treat, but it meant much more to them. As we were driving we started to hand the snacks out and every single kid was very thankful and I could see it meant a lot to them. We kept driving and I soon realized how little these kids have to do for enjoyment. I wanted to try and take my passion, soccer, and use it to try and help these kids. I am very grateful for any amount of money that you are able to donate.

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Why Kicks for Cambodia?

A question that I have been asked many times is why did you start Kicks for Cambodia. There are many reasons that I decided to start Kicks for Cambodia. The main reason I decided to start Kicks for Cambodia is to try and help the kids that live in these villages. These kids live in huts made of straw and some other materials. They have little, if any, material possessions and yet they are some of the most grateful and happy kids I’ve ever seen. We as Americans have so many opportunities and material possessions that we take for granted. We can’t imagine living without our phones or our TV’s or even internet. Imagine not having shoes, or a bed or even a house. These kids have none of those things and yet they are still very grateful for everything. These kids have literally nothing to do for enjoyment. Most of the kids were playing with the dirt or the grass.

Will Heuer

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